quinta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2006

God is An Astronaut: “All is Violent, All is Bright”

“The comedian Steve Wright has a joke about wanting to put a humidifier and a dehumidifier in a room together and letting them fight it out. A similar experiment could be conducted with albums by Mogwai, Secret Machines, Sigur Ros and God Is An Astronaut - and there would be times when the Dublin trio would come out on top.
Unlike many instrumental outfits, finding your way into a God Is An Astronaut track is easy; getting back out takes a while. They don't fall into the trap of power for the sake of it or quiet-because-we're-not-sure-what-should-happen-next and, as a result, 'All Is Violent, All Is Bright' makes sure there's room for both the epic and the catchy between the speakers.
Great with the volume up or down and urgent throughout, it'll still sound as colossal in December as it does now. December 2010 that is.”

Harry Guerin (RTE.ie)

Quem vem comigo?
Dia 13/01/06 - Santiago Alquimista, Lisboa - EUR 10,00
Dia 14/01/06Casa das Artes, Vila Nova de Famalicão - EUR 10,00

Led (ouvi-os uma vez em mais uma sessão nocturna de Indiegente e tive que mandar obrigatoriamente um email ao Calado a perguntar-lhe o nome e de onde provinham as 2 penúltimas músicas da playlist dessa noite – madrasta até então- que se tornou especial nesses preciosos momentos de melodia desgarrada. Assim nasceram os “God is an Astronaut” para mim e viciado neste album tenho andado durante a última semana.)

1 comentário:

Unknown disse...

O preço em Famalicão foi de 5 euros...