quinta-feira, 6 de março de 2008

Soundtrack for daydreams

"I've been considering and wanting to make this kind of record for years, but by its very nature it wouldn't have made sense until this point. This collection of music is the result of working from a very visual perspective - dressing imagined locations and scenarios with sound and texture; a soundtrack for daydreams. I'm very pleased with the result and the ability to present it directly to you without interference. I hope you enjoy the first four volumes of Ghosts. This music arrived unexpectedly as the result of an experiment. The rules were as follows: 10 weeks, no clear agenda, no overthinking, everything driven by impulse. Whatever happens during that time gets released as... something.

We began improvising and let the music decide the direction. Eyes were closed, hands played instruments and it began. Within a matter of days it became clear we were on to something, and a lot of material began appearing. What we thought could be a five song EP became much more. I invited some friends over to join in and we all enjoyed the process of collaborating on this.

The end result is a wildly varied body of music that we're able to present to the world in ways the confines of a major record label would never have allowed - from a 100% DRM-free, high-quality download, to the most luxurious physical package we've ever created. More volumes of Ghosts are likely to appear in the future. "
Trent Reznor, March 2, 2008
Led (obrigado, JI)

4 comentários:

Lunapapa disse...

Espero que a defesa do mestre Marco tenha corrido bem!! R**

nuno disse...

esta merda dà uns pesadelos lindos qd a ouves ao adormecer.

Mikael disse...

Quando se fala de NIN vem-me sempre à memória o mesmo album: Fragile, de longe o album que mais gosto deles.


Ledbetter disse...

Ritinha: Defesa banal. Sem surpresas e grandes festividades (embora me tenha encharcado de alcool, como é da praxe). Mas virou-se mais uma página e isso é que importa.Thanks!

Peixeiro:pesadelos deliciosos, às vezes até imagino o sérgio a passar de boxers por cima de mim.

Mikael:Fragile, claro!Mas também gosto muito dos últimos dois (ou 3, se contarmos com este) e de muita coisa anterior!