segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2005

Human Mating Strategies

“Humans have evolved a complex menu of mating strategies. These include long-term committed mating, brief sexual encounters, and extramarital affairs. Long-term mate preferences are complex, reflecting desires for many different qualities such as kindness, intelligence, mutual attraction, love, dependability, and good health. Two universal clusters
of sex differences are the desire for youth and beauty (men value more than women) and the desire for a mate who has good financial prospects and elevated social status (women value more than men).

These profound sex differences have been documented not just in studies of expressed preferences; they have also been confirmed in studies of actual marriages, responses to personals ads, and tactics of mate attraction, mate retention, competitor derogation, and intersexual deception. The empirical evidence is strong that men have evolved a more powerful desire for a variety of sex partners. The evolutionary logic for this sex difference is clear-cut – men who succeeded in securing sexual access to a variety of women would have achieved greater reproductive success than men who did not. Nonetheless, there is a hidden side to female sexuality, and some women some of the time also pursue short-term matings. These must have been beneficial for women in the currency of good genes, increased access to resources, or the ability to switch to a superior mate. Nonetheless, women who cuckold their husbands historically have inflicted large reproductive costly on their regular mates. Cuckolded men risk diverting years or decades of parental resources to a rival’s offspring.

The principle of co-evolution predicts that men will have evolved adaptations designed to defend against the diversion of their mate’s sexual and reproductive resources. Jealousy as an emotion has been proposed as one such evolved defense mechanism. The empirical evidence strongly supports several evolution-based hypotheses about the psychological design of jealousy. Male jealousy, more than women’s, is engaged by signals of sexual infidelity and rivals to exceed them on the qualities that women are known to want in a mate such as good financial prospects.

Women’s jealousy, more than men’s, is activated by signals of emotional infidelity (and hence potential long-term diversion of commitments) as well as by rivals who exceed them on facial and bodily attractiveness. Much more research needs to be conducted on the complexities of human mating strategies. At this point in evolutionary science, however, we have some of the broad outlines of the fundamentals of human mating strategies and the ways in which they are designed differently in men and women. Further research is needed on the context-sensitive nature of human mating strategies. Precisely which circumstances might cause a person to shift from a long-term mating strategy to a short-term mating strategy and vice-versa? Which circumstances might trigger an extramarital affair, or conversely, cause someone to forgo an alluring sexual opportunity? How do the various desires combine, given social contexts and a person’s own level of desirability, to form actual mate choices? These and other complexities of human mating are currently being explored by scientists who have grasped the centrality and importance of human mating to so many different dimensions of social living.”

Taken from here!

This cruel pattern can also confirmed here or here or…here!
You can also simply go to a fashionable or high-standard disco (where long-term mating is most happen to kick off) and check out with whom the most attractive girls tend to be. It’s different for each different individuality, but common, this prototype truly exists! It’s not political correct nor it is at all romantic (I praise this above all), but animal sexual selection never was a pretty sight to see.
Yep, this world’s a bitch!Good luck for any of you sexual competitors out there! :)

Led (I wanna be loaded)

3 comentários:

Carreira disse...

Youth and beauty is something that I desire for a mate. But, why not a mate with financial prospects and elevated social status e BOA COMO O MILHO?!

Carreira disse...

Olha Olha! Artigos em ingalês! As gajas querem é casar com o rico para depois irem pá cama com o pobre! Ixo é que é cara.....

Simplicitas disse...

Hoje em dia vive-se um período excepcionalmente rico em termos de abertura e opções. Nunca fomos tantos e nunca estivemos tão misturados. Talvez as inúmeras possibilidades venham a alterar os critérios vigentes. Talvez disfarcem um pouco os nossos instintos mais primários...ou não... visto com atenção isto às vezes isto faz lembrar um jogo de bilhar, mas com o triplo das bolas... e demasiados jogadores.

Só para terminar... uma que me ocorreu enquanto lia o post...

“Never met a wise man
If so it's a woman”- Territorial Pissings

Pode parecer má (he, he...)...mas é só para lembrar que por mais voltas que isto dê, homens e mulheres vão sempre ter as suas diferenças. É verdade.. a batalha entre os sexos... essa não vai terminar nunca! ;)

Fica bem!

P.S. Verificação de palavras com 8 letras??? já tou a ver tudo trocado!!!!!